Happy Healthy Songs
Full Album £9.99 • Single Track 69p
Select & Buy Individual Tracks Below…
Should you choose to purchase the full album, then you will receive/download all the songs from the album, plus karaoke-style backing tracks.
A quick explanation about the basic concept of each album.
The first half of the album contains the actual songs and how they correspond to the free downloadable PDF resources, which are: “Aims of the Songs”, “Recommended Reading” and the “Lyrics”.
The second half of the album contains karaoke-style backing tracks. Hopefully, these tracks will be useful for creating your own songs with alternative melodies or lyrics, these tracks could also be used for dance, exercise and movement classes.

Each full album download also includes instrumental versions of the songs.
A collection of songs to help young children learn about washing their hands, brushing their teeth, combing their hair, eating healthy food, exercising, and much more. In 2011 “Happy Healthy Songs” received a Bronze Award from Practical Pre-School Awards.
The Warm Up Song (Exercise warm-up) (Free Download)
The Warm Up Song is designed to be used as a warm-up song/dance prior to exercise. It could also be used to liven up children if they have become a little lethargic.
Rainy Weather (Appropriate clothing for outdoor play)
The weather songs are designed to encourage children to make an association with different weather characteristics and appropriate clothing for that weather. Outdoor play is encouraged with all of the weathers described. The songs can be useful for singing to children while they are getting ready to play outside, such as when they are doing up their coats.
The Dragon Song (Using a tissue when sneezing then washing hands)
This song is designed to encourage the children to use a tissue when they sneeze, cough or blow their nose and then to put the tissue in a bin. The song also encourages the children to then wash their hands. It is written to be used as a storytelling song to which children could listen to or participate in. The song can also be used to encourage imaginative play.
Teeny Weenie Mouse (Healthy eating)
A song designed to provide a cute character with whom; the children could enjoy imaginary role play. Teeny Weenie Mouse lives in an ideal setting for a mouse with healthy food and water at hand. The song points out that he is happy and healthy because he eats fruit and vegetables. It also lists the names of some fruit and vegetables so that children can become familiar with the names of those foods.
Marvellous Monster (Brushing teeth)
The Marvellous Monster song provides a character that takes pride in his appearance and looks after his teeth. The style of singing was chosen to enable children to act out positive, confident body language while miming the act of cleaning their teeth.
Sunny Weather (Appropriate clothing for outdoor play)
Messy Monster (Hand washing before eating)
Messy Monster is designed to provide a fun way of encouraging children to wash their hands before eating their food. The song lends itself to encouraging the children to pretend to be a monster and act out the being messy and then cleaning their hands afterwards.
Follow Me (Exercise song)
The additional version of this song is designed to enable a lead person to carry out a follow the leader type activity. The song repeats the words ‘Follow Me’ rather than giving specific instructions so that the lead person can use their imagination and be creative with the movements that they demonstrate.
Windy Weather (Appropriate clothing for outdoor play)
Shower Song (Personal hygiene)
The aim of this song is to give the children a cheerful song to sing whilst they have a shower. The lyrics can help to develop an awareness of alliteration.
Baby Gorilla (Hand washing after using the toilet)
This song is designed to encourage children to wash their hands after they have been to the toilet.
Furry Monster (Personal care for hair)
The Furry Monster song provides a character that takes pride in keeping his hair clean, fresh and tidy. The lyrics are about washing, brushing, combing and looking after your hair. The style of the song enables children to act out positive, confident body language while miming the act of washing or combing their hair.
Snowy Weather (Appropriate clothing for outdoor play)
Land of Lullabies (Rest time)
This song is designed to help children feel restful and calm so that they can settle down for a sleep either at bedtime or for a daytime nap.
Hello Song (Greeting song)
This song is designed as a greeting song that promotes positive attitudes and feelings of inclusion. The lyrics encourage waving, social interaction and provide opportunities for voice intonation.
Follow Me (A line-up song)
This song is designed as a method of getting children to line up in readiness to move to change location, such as moving from a classroom to the playground.
Snack Time (Healthy eating)
Snack Time is a song that is designed to encourage children to wash their hands before eating food. The lyrics also promote the importance of eating healthy food in order to grow and have energy. The song also encourages eating as a social activity that may occur at set times during a daily routine. It can be used in an educational setting to indicate that it is time for the children to get ready for snack time.
The Tidy Up Song (Tidying up)
The aim of this song is to encourage children to tidy up after themselves, whether they are in an educational setting or at home. The song encourages everyone to join in and describes aspects of tidying up such as throwing rubbish in the bin and putting toys away.
Goodbye Song (Farewell song)
This song is designed as a farewell song. It can be used as an indication that it is time to go home at the end of a session. Its lyrics were chosen to promote feelings of self-esteem and inclusion.